Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Boss is a Teacher

I walk around this school field and everyone nearby is going to this building so i go adead too. I walk in this door and i see my big boss. I sit down next my friend and i see others i know as well in the room. In the room, the seating is couches, chairs, granddad chairs and a fireplace in the distant. The boss or teacher tells us theres a new system out that can tell us at any age it can say if you have a learning disablilty. After that its break time. theres a stand of hot dogs and other stuff. I go over and i want a water instead. I turn around and now im in my grandfathers kitchen. I get a water and spill it in the cup. I drop some water in the floor heater and my grandfather came out says he had smell something and i told him "its okay". He was wearing a white shirt and jeans. My step grandfather to be exact. After he left this girl came out says "you did not want to spill that water, he will get mad!" I told her "he is my grandfather, its okay." She says "You didnt want to do that, but okay." I walk around and turn around this corner and i see my grandma, and i sit down i start talking to her. She doesn 't have alheimzers, not yet i was hoping during the convserstaion, she was talking really well. She was in a white shirt and sweat pants. We were laughing and she had a cup of hot drink in her hand. I called my dad to tell him i was talking to her and handed her the phone, I didnt know what to say but "this is your son." She has alheizmers ....awww! I told her say hello. She didn't. She stood still. My moment with grandma was ruined i was thinking. Then i woke up.

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